6. A & D
6.1. A & D List
6. A & D
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6.1. A & D List

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Architectual & Design

The A & D list option will display a list of all A & D firms that have been entered into your system

Image A&DList.JPG

To see the details of any entry in the list, simply click on the entry and the Edit A&D Firm window will open. You can make any changes to the A & D firms information and save them by click on the Update Firm Button.

The entry can be deleted by clicking on the Delete Firm Button.

You can also create a new A & D firm from the A & D List by clicking on the Create a New A & D Firm icon and you can search your A & D firms by clicking on the Search A & D Firms icon.

6.1. A & D List
6. A & D
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6.1.1. A & D Create New A & D Firm